Tuesday 6 May 2008

Spears' manager is ordered to stay away

Spears' manager is ordered to stay away

Britney Spears' self-styled managing director SAM Lutfi has been served with a restraining order, which instructs him to stay at least 250 yards out from the star.
Courts documents allege that Lutfi is besides barred from communicating with Spears.
Reuters reports that lawyers for the singer's father, Jamie Spears, world Health Organization has been granted temp control of his daughter's line and personal affairs, filed court documents locution Lutfi was served with the rescript at his home on Th dawn.
In royal court written document requesting the restraining order trey weeks ago, Spears' female parent Lynne claimed that Lutfi had drugged her girl, cut her home telephone line and was attempting to control her life.
Lynne Spears said that Lutfi told her and a booster that he gave Britney Spears pills ground up in her food to keep her tranquillity and at single compass point he told Britney she had to take 10 pills a day if she wanted to see her 2 whitney Young children.
Spears recently had her visitation rights for her two edward Young sons stripped by a tribunal after refusing to return them to their father Kevin Federline, world Health Organization presently has hands of the children.